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 Post subject: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:14 am 
Avatar of Elements
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
This is the OOC for the Maelstrom story starting up soon, positions are still available if your interested. Just send me a PM.

The Universe

In this universe the year is roughly 27,000 AD, although by galactic calendar its 4*13*4h7*16. We are currently just past the peak of the second galactic empire, and the shorter of the two. The first empire lasted nearly 10,000 years where as this one was falling near the end of its 3,000th. The several millennia between the two destroyed much of the technology and knowledge through out the galaxy. At the start of the second empire, much of the galaxy had been so cut off and decimated from total all out warfare, that they had returned to fossil fuels and nuclear power. At this point most of the galaxy, except those extreme parts here and there that don’t believe in progress, heavily use fusion and micro-fusion power sources. Unfortunately quantum power, enjoyed freely by the first empire, hasn’t yet been rediscovered. In fact much of the technology hasn’t yet been rediscovered.

The emperor, Klmahg XXXVIII, and his court are at this point nothing but greedy figureheads using the galaxy as a chessboard and playing games. The government exists in three parts, the Royal Court, the Parliament and the Collective Military Council (CMC). I’ll explain them more later. Together these three ruling bodies are the Coalition of Allied Worlds(CAW) also known as the second galactic empire.

Pirates and smugglers are very common and at this point the worlds on the border of the galaxy, fed up with the corruption of the Parliament and the Royal Court, have begun attempting to break away and strike at independence. Both the Court and Parliament have been using the CMC to hold on to those worlds as best they can. It was during this struggle that the Skree first appeared. Space travel currently uses what are called Vanrie Gate Jumping. Nearly every system in the galaxy has a Vanrie Gate and there is a network of hyperspace jump tubes between each . It is through these jumps that interstellar travel takes place. Some ships (extremely few) are built to travel at super luminal speeds, just skipping above and under the speed of light protected by a warp shield. These are scout ships and always serve the single purpose of mapping and exploring new worlds and, additionally, to build new Vanrie Gates to add to the network.

The Skree initially attacked outlying worlds along the periphery (a section of space along the outer most edge of the galaxy). After communication with the worlds was cut off, the Parliament assumed they were attempting to break away and sent the CMC to investigate; the scouts never returned. This caught the emperors attention. A force that can rival the CMC? How intriguing, he ordered the CMC to retake the worlds at all cost, it wasn’t until the bulk of the naval force assigned reached the world that it was discover to be a new race, very little information made it home before the brief conflict ended. There were no survivors. Now stirred from the bed of his 37 wives the emperor has decided to take drastic action to repel this new threat. Since the initial attack 143 worlds have fallen to the Skree, refugees fleeing ahead of the wave are common everywhere in the galaxy by now. While the CMC is gearing up and collecting the largest fleet ever assembled during the second empire, a small new ship fitted with the most advanced technology to date will be sent in to scout, find a potential weakness, discover all they can and if possible take out the heart of the beast.

The Government and the Military

The CAW was originally a democratic alliance when it was first formed nearly 3,000 yeas ago, but over time was converted to its current incarnation. The Purpose of the Royal Court is to provide a ruling head and establish direction. However, the last 6 emperor have been very lazy and usurped the throne to enjoy its simple splendors. The Parliament is a senate of every major and minor political faction in the galaxy. It is comprised mostly of lords, dukes and barons that vie with one another for power and little else.

The Military, unlike the Court and the Parliament, hold no real power politically. They instead have firm control over the might of the CAW. The CMC runs law enforcement galaxy wide even down to neighborhoods. Policing the streets as much as they policed space. The current head of the CMC, Lord General Cumarlio Franklin Fulvar has been in the pocket of both the Court and the Parliament for years unbeknownst to most of the CMC and the galaxy. HE and those that follow him are an exception to the general rule. 99% of the CMC are loyal, patriotic and honorable. They believe they are making the galaxy a better place in what they are doing and strive to bring justice to law breakers.

Armor (please note: everyone needs to have this armor, although the extent of its use is up to the wearer.)

The uniform of the CMC is a very advance armor that has several dozen features. Although a general galactic uniform for the military each region customizes it in there own way and each soldier has their own custom preferences as well.

The armor has 3 control functions, conscious, sub-conscious and un-conscious. It is 100% mentally controlled even down to aiming assist and firing controls. The armor slides out of a pocket dimension centered around the wearer, a single silicon chip is implanted in the wearer at the base of the skull that controls the entire suit.

The armor is very resilient and can take prolong direct fire. It encases the wearer completely giving a pressurized seal but can slide away to seem to no longer exist. It has various HUD functions as well as interface options, such as a cable to interact with electronic equipment.

Some variations have a passive stealth system coloring the armor to surroundings behind, some even regulate external armor temp to room temperature as too fool temp sensors. The armor increases normal body speed and strength and nearly all suits are designed with a jump jet pack for easier movement in space as well as making distance travel on ground easier. The suit can take the anti-pressure of space and a depth of nearly 3 miles underwater with no strain. A 10 hour air supply and a 16 gallon water tank are available in the suit to aid survivability as well as a water reclamation system for recycling waste as an emergency resort.

The armor can exist in many states from only a small piece to half the body, full body or none, at the wearers will. Armoring, firing a weapon are examples of conscious functions, temperature regulation is an example of sub-conscious (like breathing, can be controlled or left alone), Power regulation within the suit would be an example of un-conscious. All armors have storage compartments that are removed, set on the ground and they expand. The can hold quite a lot.

ORGANIC MATERIAL OF ANY TYPE CANNOT BE SHIFT WITH THE ARMOR, this kills infectious material as well as preventing smuggling of people, living creatures or even things as sinister as bio weapons. Energy shielding does not exist for the armor but the armor may shift into a heavily armored state of a hemi-spherical re-entry pod that allows re-entry into an atmosphere. Many other modes and functions exist.


Last edited by Wardonis on Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:14 am, edited 12 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:16 am 
Avatar of Elements
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
The Maelstrom

The Maelstrom is the most advanced ship in the galaxy. It stands 360 feet tall, 470 feet long and 750 feet from wing tip to wing tip. Its five decks are joined around a central lift and its hull is comprised of a crystallinian compound that absorbs energy, solar or otherwise. The ships hull is only one facet of the of the design that sets it notches above the rest. The hull is capable of absorbing energy weapon fire and using it for ships power; but that’s not all, because of the nature of how it polarizes incoming energy the hull retains a residual charge and will release that charge at small incoming projectiles be it meteorites or torpedoes. This effectively neutralizes most types of weaponry. The ship is also unique in that it doesn’t utilize an energy shield for defense but seeing as its hull alone provides a substantial amount on its own, this make sense. Another thing to note about the hull is that literally all energy is absorbed and used including the energy of a transportation rig which protects the ship from boarding parties that attempt to beam over. The sheer maneuverability of the craft protects it from any boarding pods as it would be far to dangerous to the boarding party to attempt to grapple and attach to a ship that moves in the manner the Maelstrom is capable of.

The ship also posses amazing fire power for its small size boasting a bank of 4 mid range repulser beams, an amazing assortment of small and short range plasma and energy burst weaponry, 2 quantum mag-rail cannons, a bio-synthetic plamoid compound that can chew through enemy shields rapidly and a ion cannon that can also be used as an mass driver. It also has 2 small and 1 large manned turrent. The reason it can power all these weapons is because it has a revolutionary new source of power. The scientists were actually able to generate a stable artificial singularity. This provides the ship a literally limitless amount of power. However the energy produced is so abundant that it is necessary from time to time to purge the built up energy through the hull.

The awesome weaponry on the ship isn’t the true reason for the power source rather a product of it. The true reason for the level of power is the jump drive installed on the ship. The ship can literally jump from its location to another point in space in nearly the same time as it takes to use a Vanrie Gate but without needing the gate. It does this by creating a massive warp field then 2 smaller over lapping fields within the larger. The larger field is spun about the y axes of the ship stretching it into a into a donut shape which literally creates a wormhole right through the center of the ship. The inner fields protect the ship and maintain the space around it while the outer becomes “sticky” as it picks up gravitons exiting the worm hole after a computerized amount of time and the correct amount are absorbed the outer shield is release launching the ship forward and impossible speeds, all the while protected from any collision safely enclosed in its own wormhole. It means the ship is for lack of a better term jumping blindly to a location of space however it is capable making a jump from anywhere to anywhere in the galaxy. The outer warp shell can also be reinforced to be stronger than any energy shield; however, while active the Maelstrom can not move or shoot through and the charge time for the field prevents flashing of the field so any defensive use of the shield would have to be done while attempting to hold ground for an extended time.

The layout of the ship is rather simple; deck 1 is the lowest deck it has the main airlock, a hanger with 4 fighters and a transport as well as entry into the storage underbelly. Deck 2 holds the medical bay and armory, the lower level of main engineering and the aft engineering section and holds entry to the wing and aft extension (pressurized tubes with no gravity that run to the wings and aft engines for maintenance and repair). Deck 3 has crew quarters and the upper level of main engineering and the aft engineering section. Deck 4 has access to the bridge and additional crew quarters (for those higher ranked). Deck 5 also called ”top deck” is a recreational are with various lounging furniture, a bar and a small halo-arena as well as the top entrance to the bridge most striking is a large beautiful windowed dome.

At the forefront of technology, the Maelstrom also holds the first sentient AI computer system for managing and controlling the ship. While AIs are quite common IRIDAL (Integrated Redundant Intelligent Dynamic Artificial Life-form) is the first sentient and was designed to have emotions and be a part of the crew. Iridal is built directly into the Maelstroms mainframe and is capable of running the entire ship for short periods of time. Her processor was designed off of the human brain. They did this by bouncing slightly slimy electrons off a active human brain and mapping the layout of the fall. her system was built off of the results. Iridal’s hologram can move anywhere about the ship and though she glows she appears almost normal if you discount being able to see through her. Her image is that of a 5’ 6” human woman, blond hair in a bun, blue eyes and fair white completion.

She’s fast and built for power. She will be your home, take good care of her and I’m certain she will return the favor.


Last edited by Wardonis on Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:24 am, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 7:09 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Hey Wardonis, this seems really interesting, and I'm keen to join when you have posted other details. I have a question, how does the suit carry 16 gallons of water? Isn't it enough to have water reclamation features, like a Still Suit used by the fremen of Dune?
Second question, is fossil fuels and nuclear power enough to power all the tech, that is available? I know that the tech was destroyed and is lost, but it seems that the power source wouldn't support the tech. I'm imagining things like jump gates in cowboy beebop, I wonder if they use fossil fuels?

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:26 am 
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Currently the galaxy uses fusion and micro-fusion, nuclear and fossel fueals were used between empires after the war torn calamities. and the water is stored in a part of the pocket dimension that surrounds the wearer. Look at the "Potential new story" thread, thats where this started and im just gearing up to start, this will be the actual OOC for it.


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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:05 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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ah right, i see :D. well I shall enjoy reading all about it.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:29 am 
Cererean Princess
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Formerly DragonRider. Almost teenage me could have been more imaginative with names.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:05 am 
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
Name: Captain Edward N. Armstrong
Race: Human
Age: 47
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 230 Lbs
Background: Captain Armstrong comes from the Arcum Expanse, a large cluster of stars known for creating a field of electrostatic that interfere with normal sensors, because of this it’s a favored place for space pirates and smugglers. For the past twenty years the captain has been hunting them in an attempt to clean up his local space. He is a hard man built like a mountain with a glare that would make a meteorite run away. Gruff and arrogant he knows how to get the job done, most hate his attitude but with time under his command they eventually grow to respect and understand him, a sense of loyalty emerges. The Captain has a way of pushing people to become truly greater then they are bringing out the best in them and pushing them to be better. Nobody really knows what the N in the captains name is, many theorize but none dare to ask. He was offered the promotion to admiral several times and refused every time preferring to stay in the field. He has a streak of white in his short cropped hair despite his age. His Body, a tight knot of muscle, looks even more intimidating in his dark armor. He keeps his armor casual wearing it as a vest, boots and gauntlets with trousers and a simple shirt underneath. When fully armored though the dark platinum armor is a force to be reckoned with. It has an extended version of the jump pack that has short stubby wings giving temporary flight in atmosphere and increased maneuverability in water and space. On his left hand he has a shield and on his right a welding torch that can become a flame thrower. 2 grappling hooks 1 mounted on his right wrist the other on the back of his right elbow each have 600’ of line; this is often used to zip line from one place to another. On both arms he has a plasma cannon, static pulse emitter and a force beam, each can be charged to a level increasing their destructive potential by a magnitude of four. When the static pulse is struck by the force blast it detonates 3x stronger than normal and the emp discharge range is doubled. On his shoulders he has two mini-plasma gatling cannons firing ½ a standard round at a rate of 15 per second, at full speed, from each of the two ports on the weapons. His armor is capable of a light temporary stealth and he has a blade about 2 feet long that can extend from his right forearm. He likes to be called Captain or Sir, nothing else.


Last edited by Wardonis on Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:58 am 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Name: Lieutenant Commander James Xavier Wolfe
Race: Human
Age: 35
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 144 Lbs
Background: Born with ocular albinism so his eyes have no pigment so they appear red. Was picked on by other children due to this defect so James took to wearing sunglasses which are now a built in feature of his suit to hide his eyes, and to protect them from the sunlight since they were more sensitive than a normal persons. The albinism isn't only bad as it actually increased his ability to see at night and other dim lighting settings as he could take in more light due to the lack of filters a normal person has. Decided to become a space pilot when growing up and went to flight academy and graduated at the top of his class and on his flight exams got one of the highest scores ever seen coming in at 3rd those other two having been dead for a couple hundred years. Met the captain about ten years previous when he was looking for a pilot to replace one he had lost and became friends so he chose James to be his Lieutenant Commander. For weapons and armor he has the heavy duty stuff going by the philosophy "if its still there... it isn't dead yet" This being plasma cannons mounted on both shoulders, on his arms there are a couple of ion cannon blasters capable of going through a thick wall as if it were a can opener, a static pulse emitter and force beam, also carries around a tri-barreled plasma cannon on his back that is a force to be reckoned with this gun really puts the "over" into overkill having the power output of 10x a normal cannon.
Armor will be same as your Ward just with dark red shoulders (to denote my rank... alright also because i think it would look cool :) )

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 6:50 pm 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Drakel we are all part of the same crew and seeing as I am second in command below the good Captain It would be safe to assume that you knew me previously(this goes for all of you) even if that were only the interview to be part of the crew

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 7:15 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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I know that but I thought it was something like this,

we are ON a space station and some of us never even seen each other EVER(or hadn't seen each other for some time), we go to the meeting and find out who is who for the first time seeing we are all chosen all of a sudden. We chat until caption comes, get to know one another, THEN we find out our mission and get on board the ship.

for you I already knew this.... what I meant was that we knew each other BEFOR the mission as in our char's once fought side by side with one another or something like that lol.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:56 am 
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What happened is that all of you had been searched for the mission(this includes myself and FDI's char) We were all interviewed, I was given seniority. When you were scouted and past preliminary and cursory evaluation, you were given limited information about this incredibly important suicide mission and given the opportunity to volunteer, if you had said no, you would not be here. Absolutely no one was forced into this crew, no one. You must have said yes because you made it past 2nd and 3rd level testing. You are under orders to report to the hanger at a given time for a briefing and that you were being assigned to my crew.

We were gathered from across the galaxy, I dought very much if many know each other.


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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 2:05 am 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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sooo.. to put it in a nutshell we have all literately just met one another for the first time of our lives or (in very few occasions) we seen each other but it was just coincidence that we are on the same mission.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 2:22 am 
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except for FDI and myself, for lack of a better way to put it yes. Reputaion however can play loads. You might be familure with someones char by reputation or they with yours but thats still a long shot.


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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 2:27 am 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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ohhh... k

Well with that little bit of information solved .... TIME TO RP XD

Can’t wait to play with you on RP, it should be a very interesting to RP with you.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:09 am 

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Hey, War. This is my character sheet.

Name: Naomi
Race: cyclops
Age: unknown

Naomi is cyclops with red hair and light skin. She is appears totally normal expect for her height and her green eye. Despite the reputation from Homer and others about her race, she is very intelligent, very strong, and very kind.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 5:48 pm 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Hey raptor good to see you back with us

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:03 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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yah.. hope you looked at my message on school OOC:

good to have you back :)

BTW I don't know if this is 100% needed but... can you give us more info on your char. Reason I ask this is only because War said that we are all BEST OF THE BEST so that means we all have serious rep. What is your char known for? How did she come on board with the crew? What makes her immortal?(I assume this only because age is unknown)

Not trying to be mean, just trying to understand your char better.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:38 pm 
Dragon's Egg
Dragon's Egg

Joined: Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:01 pm
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Name: Rooma Light

Race: Silven- Silvens are a space fairing race that are similar to elves. Quick and agile they are small and highly dexterous.

Height and Weight: 5’6” - 120lbs

Aperients: Slanty eyes and pointy ears with a strong chin.
Hair: waist length blood red hair
Eyes: light green
Clothes: Wears a sheer white blouse with skin tight black leather pants under her armor.
Armor: Keeps her armor as thigh high boots, bracelets and a bandolier. She has a Gatling laser rifle and a plasma cannon.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:18 pm 
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good to have both of you, i have to wait to post untill everyone has as when i do post it will be a "change of scenery" and i'd like everyone there before the happens. so feel free to talk and post amogst yourself while we wait, Ciarda and Constitutiona will post shortly both are having a bit of RL issues at the moment so please be patient.

EDIT: one other thing i'd like to make all of you aware is the cultural verity of races there are. think of star wars nd how many races there are and how intergrated thier cultures are, all the races in this galaxy are as well intergrated.

EDIT#2: I'd also like to inform all of you that if the story we put together is good, in depth and captivating i'm going to convert it to a book format, splitting credit between us all.


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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:09 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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Cool to know that... always wanted to play this char but he just never fit any RP till just now. (kind of like a "test subject" like char) :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Thx to this RP I found out that that the fore arm thing isn't going to work with the pic. (Have to redo without the fore arms)

I'm going to make him two armed instead kk? His "main" arms will be able to do what his extra arms were to do.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:18 pm 
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yup, bit better that way too. If any of you have any questions about anything in the story, its history, direction or anything that it comprised of ESPECIALLY ABOUT THE SHIP (the layout and everything about the ship is very very specific, just ask i will be happy to answer all your questions. if your unsure just ask, pm or post its all good.


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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:28 pm 

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Thanks good because my character is going to be working with the techn stuff alot. :D

I don't if you guys have notice this, but she's not much of a talker as my others characters. :lol:

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:39 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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Then I'll force her to talk MWAHAHAHA.....TALK D :swear: IT! TALK.... (Silence O_O) I SAID TALK!

I have no questions on the RP right now.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:00 pm 

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Is there going to be a speical room where Naomi will have her tools and stuff?

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:08 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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oh yah... is there going to be special offices and also Rooms for our chars to relax once in a while?

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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