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 Post subject: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:32 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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In 2090 the human race developed something that revolutionized space travel forever. The Fusion Drive. Utilizing the power of a fusion bomb, this fusion drive although lacking finesse allowed the Human race to visit other worlds, other stars within one lifetime. Instead of months to years, it became days to reach Mars, and mere weeks to reach Pluto. The possibility to colonize other star systems became a reality. After the successful Terra-forming and colonization of Mars, the minds of scientists and world governments became ever more ambitious. The first expedition to Alpha Centauri was under way. It was a manned mission, a one way journey for the crew. Taking with them their families, their loved ones. It was a colony ship, a series of four wheel-like structures which would be spun to produce artificial gravity. It was to be sent on a forty year journey to our nearest neighboring star system. For the first time in all of human history the human race was united under one cause. The ship 'Genesis' as it was called would be crewed by people of many different countries and ethnicities. With a final farewell to those on earth, they left the solar system in 2120. After waiting anxiously for fifty years, those on earth received a radio transmission. The colonists had made it to Alpha Centauri in the year 2160, but due to the distance the radio message was only received ten years after it was sent and by then, the colony was prosperous.

In 2220 the human species, now under the banner of the Trade Alliance Coalition discovered a new drive. The Hashiko-Drive. Named after the Japanese scientist that created it. It took a ship into a space beyond our dimension, into what we call Jump-Space. With this new drive, the distance between Earth and Cenarius(New Earth) could be made within days, not decades. Cenarius of Alpha Centauri quickly joined the TAC with this new invention, at last uniting the peoples of two worlds in peace and trade. But this peace was not to last. For in three years humanity colonized three more worlds, and two of them defected. Under the banner of the Enlightened Convent of Unity, the oppressed people of a new religion lashed out at the Trade Alliance Coalition. With their frighteningly powerful psionics, they were clearly a match for the TAC's grand fleet. The war lasted only a single year, and drew both sides to the negotiation table. It had been bloody, for both sides and both were eager to end it.

In 2225 a new order was instated. A Confederacy formed out of the ashes and strife of war. The Terran Confederation. Both governments kept their power, but in times of war they could unit their forces and fend off common enemies. But thankfully, their Confederation didn't draw hostile attention...

In 2240 celebration erupted through the whole confederacy. First contact had been made with an alien species, and it had been peaceful. Humanity had at last met the alien species calling themselves the Cycron, a reptilian species but they weren't cold blooded as many science fiction films had made reptilians out to be. First contact occurred when a colony ship bound for Tau Ceti found other colonists, and a warship, an Assault Carrier of the Cycron Colonial Union named the Acheron. It had been escorting a city ship to the new world that the humans were seeking to colonize. At first the human colonists feared for their very lives, facing down the barrels and solid state energy emitters of the alien vessel. But it was soon realized through a hail that the alien warship wouldn't fire. With open arms, the Cycron welcomed the humans to help them colonize the planet. And so, with first contact also came the first joint colony, living in a grounded city-ship of CCU origin. With this gesture of good will, also came with the first alien species to join the Confederacy.

With the aid of the CCU, the Terran Confederation located more species and factions. The Dekratus Federation a faction populated by the very Dracon the CCU despised, yet they had been cast out from the empire, they too joined the Confederacy. They quickly discovered the Avron Directorate, a species cast from their home worlds by the terrible Dracon Empire of the Andromeda galaxy. And then by mere chance, they ran into the Rekathian world-ship of the Vendix Confederation, these two species also quickly joined the Confederacy. For the first time in history, humanity was united with not just themselves, but with friends from other stars, other planets, other species. Five species governing themselves autonomously, yet united. Under one currency, they prospered together, trade flowed like water through the Confederacy, wealth for all. Poverty was a thing of the past, and war seemed to be a thing of the past.

Peace, it seems to be in your grasp, yet it always slips away before you can truly grasp it. For in 2290, contact with another alien species was not peaceful. It ended with the destruction of five TAC envoy vessels at the hands of the ones calling themselves the Oklos, an insectoid race of the Faraxian Armada. The war lasted five years, and with the combined forces of the Confederacy the Faraxian Armada was forced to surrender, and became the first species to be forced into the Confederacy. Their organic technology was a cause for alarm among the other species, the grotesque living ships they used were frighteningly powerful, yet they often lacked technologies the other species too for granted and had some that they didn't have. With high tensions they coexisted with the Oklos, tensions eased when a plague broke out among the psionics of the ECU, Cycronian nanites had failed to cure it, and only the genetic manipulation and genetic engineering expertise of the Oklos could and did cure it. With a retro-virus, the plague was cured and those once considered monsters were considered as heroes. Finally, trade flowed to the Faraxian Armada and their new colonies.

In 2330, with the discovery of the Draconis Imperium, an offshoot faction of the Dracon Empire, the Zendritin Hegemony which is a coalition of five or possibly more species, and the Heridron Exodus Fleet also known as the Scourge war broke out once more. This time, it's not yet a full out war and thankfully only skirmishes thus far.

The year is currently 2344. This is a story about a crew aboard a small carrier turned freighter and their part in the grand scheme of things. The story will begin in orbit above earth, docked to a space station, a trade hub named Caesar. The new ship needs a crew, a cargo, and a mission. Notices from the captain have been announced over of the comm system to meet him in the Drunken Dragon, a reputable bar along the station's promenade.

Races available
Trade Alliance Coalition: Human
Enlightened Convent of Unity: Psionic Human
Cycron Colonial Union(CCU): Cycron, Cybernetic Hybrid, or Synthetic
Dekratus Federation: Dracon, or Psionic.
Avron Directorate: Avron
Faraxian Armada: Oklos
Vendix Confederation: Rekathian

Other races: Run them by me.

(I realize I don't have a link for the Dekratus Federation yet, PM me if you want information about it. This goes for any faction that you have questions about.)
http://heavyman.deviantart.com/art/Scif ... -100857068

http://heavyman.deviantart.com/art/Cycr ... -148149472

http://heavyman.deviantart.com/art/Scif ... -145178243

http://heavyman.deviantart.com/art/Scif ... -145177623

http://heavyman.deviantart.com/art/Scif ... -145178601

Character Sheet:

Home Faction:
Physical Description:
Other Abilities and or Skills:
Other Items:

Some rules.

1.No godmodding
2.I expect atleast five or more lines a post.
3.I expect proper grammar, typos here and there are fine. But if it becomes excessive, I'm going to start questioning.
4.Use the character sheet I have provided. I expect detailed characters, I don't want simple appearance descriptions or images.

I will have my own character up shortly.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 7:17 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:10 pm
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One thing I forgot to mention. Terrans use gauss and railgun technology for weapons, only lasers are used on ships and then only for point defense.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:49 pm 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Um could i get a description of each race you have
Especially the Dekratus Federation: Dracon, or Psionic.

I'd rather use one of the many races you have but i don't know what they even look like
A general description would be great

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:52 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:10 pm
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Name: Vaeden Zeneril Arondulus

Sex: Male

Age: 150

Race: Cycron Cybernetic Hybrid

Home Faction: CCU

Homeworld: Arcturus Prime

Physical Description: Vaeden stands at 6' tall, with a medium athletic build. He has an elongated face, though he snout is shorter than that of a Dracon. Along the top front of his snout are two nostrils, which do not have any hornlike protrusions at them. He has two eyes, in a forward position giving him binocular vision. Unlike most of his race, his pupils are round and not slits. His irises are blue and around that his eyes are white. Though if one looked close enough, one would see bio-mechanical circuitry running through them. On either side of his head he has ear frills which he can open and close depending on what type of hearing he needs.

Vaeden is covered in silvery-white almost bleached scales. He has plate-like scales along his chest and belly, though like the rest of the scales on his body they're more leather-like and malleable. His fingers end in small claws, they are nearly useless to him and his species anymore. His tail is about 3' 3'' long. He stands on two digitigrade legs, though his ankles aren't elongated, his foot is lifted off the ground naturally making him walk on his toes. His toes are large, able to support his 150 lbs weight. All his toes end in large talons.

Clothing: Vaeden wears a synthetic one piece jumpsuit that is commonly worn by most Cycron. Though, as a hybrid he doesn't really need it. The jumpsuit is layered, the exterior is black, but beneath the leather-like exterior is a layer of gel, circuitry and another layer of gel. Finally beneath the second gel layer is a thermal layer, keeping the wearer at an optimum temperature. And then beneath that to finish it over is another layer of synthetic leather. The primary function of this jumpsuit is to connect the wearer's neural pathways to a powered armor, allowing the wearer to use the armor as literally a second skin. For this function, Vaeden doesn't need it for his armor is literally a part of his own body.

Being that Vaeden is a cybernetic hybrid, he was born with nanitic nodes spaced under his skin. This allows him to call upon his powered armor at will, nanites will pour forth from their nodes and construct armor over him, encasing him completely in it. The armor is powered by the nanites it is made of. The nanites themselves turn the entire armor into a carbon nanotube battery, meaning it has no generator to speak of but has more battery power than a nuclear reactor can put out in a week. The powered armor allows him to move faster, and increased his strength. But strength was not the primary function of this armor. Agility was. Once constructed over him, it is made of crystal iron and capable by itself to stop Gauss Rifle rounds, at least for a very short time. The primary defense system on this armor are its cold plasma shield, and cloaking capabilities. It has on its back a back mounted jump pack for jumping over obstacles, or operating in vacuum. For sensory equipment, it has a motion, sonar, and meson sensors For vision, it creates a HUD for the wearer to monitor vital signs, shield strength, ammo count and even a targeting reticule, along with these is the ability to see in infrared and enhanced lighting for night vision purposes. He may also re-absorb the armor back into the nodes under his skin, this also works for any Cycron weapon or item that is attached as well. With the neural interface he is able to feel what he is touching with his armor. Though the neural inhibitors stop him from feeling pain through it.

Markings: N/A


Zeterius Ion Rifle: This ion rifle is about 3 feet long, with a sleek and angular design, it is finished with silvery plating. Operating on the principles of a particle accelerator, this use advanced magnetism to quickly speed up atoms to 99% the speed of light to then shoot out of the barrel, all this happening within nanoseconds. It sports an impressive fire rate of 700 pulses per minute, or PPM. When fired, it fires blue bolts, though these bolts do not appear to separate from the barrel before hitting their target. This is because the beam is traveling much faster than the human eye can ever hope to see. The pulses it fire at 7mm in diameter, plenty capable of killing on the first shot.

Solid Core Pistol: This pistol is small, hand held. It has the accuracy that you would expect of a pistol. It has a sleek and angular design. The trigger guard extends all the way down to the bottom of the grip. It works off gauss technology, with a solid block of tungsten inside the weapon. A laser sheers off a piece of tungsten and fires it out the barrel at speed in excess of Mach 8.

Wrist Emitter: This small device is integrated into the right forearm of his armor. It projects a 3'5'' long blade of Ion energy. It isn't capable of deflecting anything, the purpose for it is to cut, and kill in close combat.

Weakness: Vaeden is not invincible. He is able to be killed through normal means, though he is tougher with his armor, bullets will still kill him. He can sometimes become too easily trusting of humans.


Nanites: With nanites flowing through his blood, and even being part of his very cells he is able to heal faster than even most Cycron. This however doesn't mean he'll regrow lost limbs, or mean that he'll recover from massive internal injuries. He is also able to leave a drop of nanites on a computer and hack into it quite easily without even touching it aside from infecting it with nanites.

Skeleton: Vaeden was born with a crystal iron skeleton, making his bones extremely difficult to break.

Eyes: His eyes can produce a HUD for him at any given time. Although his abilities with his eyes are limited, he is able to lock onto targets, and even zoom in to some degree along with low light vision capabilities.

Muscle Efficiency: His muscles are more efficient than normal, thanks to his hybrid nature his strength rivals that of a typical Dracon, allowing him to have a leaner build and have more strength.

Other Abilities and or Skills:

Ground and Space combat
Zero-G training
Neural interface with Cycron ships
SpecOps training
small craft piloting
Weapons training
Science(Biology, Physics, Engineering)

Other Items:
The Orion
Wrist datapad
A few thousand credits

Personality: Vaeden is most easy going, as most Cycron are. He likes the company of any and all species. He likes to drink, yet because of his physiology he can't get drunk. Alcohol is simply not digestible to Cycron. With those he doesn't know he's a bit more cautious. In combat he keeps his calm, and does his job at killing the enemy.

History: Vaeden was born a hundred fifty years ago, on his homeworld of Arcturus Prime. His father was Cycron, while his mother was a Synthetic, a robot built by the Cycron. Synthetics were originally an experiment that became a sentient race unto themselves. But deep within their programming was the blueprints for when one bred with an organic. Hybrids soon came from their programming, born super soldiers. And indeed he was quite a successful soldier when he got older. Like most hybrids he was originally enrolled into the military as special forces. And like most hybrids he was trained with every available weapon. But after ten years in the military, the one flaw in all hybrids began to show. It was free will. The CCU had never been and never will be founded on slavery. He was allowed to leave the military, which he gladly did. By this time he was thirty years old, and itching for a new career, he went into science. With the long life of Cycron have, he was able to study, learn and become recognized in multiple fields of science, the three most interesting to him was biology, physics and engineering. This gave him an understanding and know-how to fix shipboard systems, and even his own weapons. Though, this only interested him for seventy years, he never invented anything, never really achieved anything as a scientist. Once again he had to had to change his profession from teaching to traveling the stars. He acquired a Heavy Fighter, a craft with its own slip-space drive and small living quarters. With this very ship, which he had named it the Orion he arrived at Caesar Station at the age of fifty. And like many that would join the Phoenix's crew, he was hoping to get the position of Security Officer, or Weapons Specialist. Earlier that morning he had made a fly by of the Phoenix, noting it was a retrofitted carrier with its flight deck still ready to receive fighter craft. There was something about this ship that didn't seem right, it looked to be too heavily armed for a mere freighter.

His ship

Name: Orion
Subtype: Bordering Heavy Fighter and Gunship
Length: 50 feet feet
Width: 30 feet
Height: 12 feet
Hull Composition: Super Dense Artificial Metal SDAM
Weaponry: 4 Pulse Ion Self tracking guns, 2 missile pods (10 missile each), 1 spinal mounted Ion Cannon, 2 Ion Point Defense Beams.
Propulsion: Plasma Drive, Slip-space drive.
Engine: 2 Carbon nanotube batteries.
Communication System: Radio, Meson, Holo-Video.
Sensor Array: Class V, able to scan a planet's atmosphere from orbit, Radar, Ladar, and Meson.
Appearance: Like all Cycron designs the Orion has a sleek and angular design. The forward cockpit section is the most narrow, with four Ion Guns placed around it, and underneath the fuselage is placed the Ion Cannon. The back of the craft is bigger, with a missile pod on either side. Behind the cockpit is a short hallway to a very cramped living space. It has a simple bed, restroom and a matter converter for food.
Miscellaneous: Shielding, Cloak field generator. When cloak is active the shield is inoperable, as are most of ship systems.

Heavy Fighter - Orion.PNG
Heavy Fighter - Orion.PNG [ 27.04 KiB | Viewed 33496 times ]

Last edited by Heavyman on Mon Mar 01, 2010 11:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:54 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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I posted links to the races. I simply put the faction they belong to before the species. The link under 'Dracon' will give you a very detailed description of the Dracon. The psionic part simply means they have a chance of being psionic.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:55 pm 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Ok hadn't realized what those links were for Thanks :D

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:56 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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I thought posting all of those descriptions might scare some people off... so I simply linked them.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:07 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Here are a few more links. These are examples of weapons for some of the factions:

http://heavyman.deviantart.com/art/CCUa ... -152467637
http://heavyman.deviantart.com/art/CCU- ... -151236102

Dekratus Federation (Also a good example of what human weapons may look like)
http://heavyman.deviantart.com/art/Heav ... -151213356
http://heavyman.deviantart.com/art/Drac ... -151184054

Last edited by Heavyman on Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:08 pm 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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You weren't kidding when you said it was detailed... wow... wow

definitely going to be a Violet Eyed, Golden-Red scaled Psionic Dracon i'll work out the other details in a couple days

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:17 am 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Here's the ship.
Terran Carrier Redesign.PNG
Terran Carrier Redesign.PNG [ 44.03 KiB | Viewed 33415 times ]

Last edited by Heavyman on Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 8:11 am 
Cererean Princess
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Is this going to be based on Newtonian physics, or is space an ocean?

Formerly DragonRider. Almost teenage me could have been more imaginative with names.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 11:23 am 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Newtonian. Constant thrust = constant acceleration. Also most battles will be fought over kilometers, at least between capital ships. Fighters arose because they had to counter bombers.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 1:34 pm 
Cererean Princess
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So you have no fighter spacecraft? Good, good. You might want to have a look at Atomic Rocket.

Formerly DragonRider. Almost teenage me could have been more imaginative with names.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 4:44 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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There are fighter craft that came about as a response to bombers. It simply escalated from there. Say a bomber has 8 torpedoes, that bomber also has a smaller silhouette on sensors making it more likely to be unnoticed by the defenses until it's too late. The fighter came about as a safe guard against that. Obviously after the first fighters countered the first bombers, more fighters were produced to destroy those fighters. It simply escalated to the point where fighters were beginning to be equipped with torpedoes themselves. Each one a potential deathblow to a larger ship.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:47 pm 
Cererean Princess
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But they don't make any tactical sense, since there is no stealth in space.

Formerly DragonRider. Almost teenage me could have been more imaginative with names.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:52 pm 
Cererean Princess
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However, a boarding craft, deployed from a much larger craft to mask the signature, and employing metamaterials to cloak itself, as well as a heat sink for the waste life support energy, and magnetic repulsion off the enemy hull to stop itself... might work. Might.

Formerly DragonRider. Almost teenage me could have been more imaginative with names.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 6:34 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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I had a bit of a short temper when I wrote this post. So I've deleted it.

The change to the physics to a mix of Hard Scifi and Soft Scifi stands however. It keeps things a bit more simple, yet doesn't defy everything in physics.

Last edited by Heavyman on Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 6:51 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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plz calm down Heavyman...DR is just pointing out a few things but there is no need to go overboard with it. no one here is attacking you. or atleast not yet that is.

DR. if you didn't notice by now all RP's has things that don't make since. For those things Imagination takes place. There never was and will never be an RP that makes 100% of since but that is where the fun of an RP is at. The creativity of others is greater than being 100% realistic. WHAT IS AN RP WITHOUT CREATIVITY?!?!

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:14 pm 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Quick question is the Dracon armor integrated in their clothing or something like that until needed or do they have to don it
specifically i am talking about Commando Experimental Armor in the dracon description

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:21 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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Yah I'm a little interested in that armor as well but I'm wondering... are we aloud to have it or do we have to take one of the other two armors? The reason I ask is because you said that only the highest and must wear it.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:30 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Ah. Good question. It's not integrated, they have to don it. However, the experimental armor is used only by the Empire in the Andromeda galaxy. The DF doesn't have it. This link here: http://heavyman.deviantart.com/art/Drac ... -154975706 is a more up to date version of what the Dekratus Federation has. It also reflects what the Empire is reverting to, and what the Draconis Imperium uses.

Some things the link doesn't have but what the DF does are Fusion Rifles, and Fusion Cannons and the like. A fusion weapon functions by harnessing the super hot plasma from a fusion reactor and shooting it out a barrel. In the case of a fusion rifle, the fusion reaction isn't constant. Thus they are much weaker than shipboard fusion weapons. Another weakness is that they're also beam weapons. To do the damage of a pulse weapon, a beam must be on target longer.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:08 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Does anyone have any more questions? To let everyone know, Gauss weapons (Or any other magnetically launched projectile weapons) shouldn't be underestimated. A ship based particle beam has a range of 10,000 kilometers. While a Gauss round can be launched at speeds in excess of mach 12+ and not lose its destructive power over any distance.

The reason particle weapons don't have the same range is because the particles repel each other, and so the farther they shoot the less destructive the beam or pulse is. This goes for Ion weapons as well since they're also particle based weapons, even though they are more destructive.

Lasers have greater range than particle beams, but no laser is perfect. A good example of what a laser does over range is if you were to take a flash light and watch how focused the light becomes relative to a wall. It's the same principle with the laser, no matter how finely focused it is, a laser will lose coherency of range.

Missiles.... well I don't really have to explain their effectiveness.

Nukes... well... no using nukes at least as players.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:23 pm 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Lol yeah I've seen some comparisons to using a powerful rail gun opposed to using a nuke and the damage was as good and without the harmful radiation associated with nukes

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:35 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Just to let everyone know, I've posted a re-designed version of the carrier.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: The Phoenix part 1(Scifi)
PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:52 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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Joined: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:38 am
Posts: 1668
Location: Three steps away from my own grave.
N/A(will post it again soon)

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

My Website: http://drageloc.forumotion.com/
Where I'm At: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/126
My Skype: Drakel001
My Facebook: Drakel Pyrohell

Last edited by Drakel on Wed Mar 03, 2010 3:58 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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